! fonts
+! X11 font server fontspec
*font: -windows-dina-medium-r-*-*-10-80-*-*-*-*-*
+! xft/fontconfig
+! NOTE: xterm etc. use faceName for Xft fonts. classic font server rendering is
+! preferred so this is just in case the program doesn't support PCF.
*faceName: Dina
*faceSize: 8
+! matches font.conf, just in case
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
-Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xcursor.theme: Paper-Mono-Dark
! colors
-! http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
-!#define S_base03 #002b36
-#define S_base03 #000a0d
-#define S_base02 #073642
-#define S_base01 #586e75
-#define S_base00 #657b83
-#define S_base0 #839496
-#define S_base1 #93a1a1
-#define S_base2 #eee8d5
-#define S_base3 #fdf6e3
-#define S_yellow #b58900
-#define S_orange #cb4b16
-#define S_red #dc322f
-#define S_magenta #d33682
-#define S_violet #6c71c4
-#define S_blue #268bd2
-#define S_cyan #2aa198
-!#define S_green #859900
-#define S_green #85c000
-*background: S_base03
-*foreground: S_base0
-*fadeColor: S_base03
-*cursorColor: S_base1
-*pointerColorBackground: S_base01
-*pointerColorForeground: S_base1
-*underlineColor: S_yellow
-! black
-*color0: S_base02
-*color8: S_base03
+*background: #010812
+*foreground: #798699
+*fading: 40
+*fadeColor: #820ad5
+*cursorColor: #6408a4
+*pointerColorBackground: #6408a4
+*pointerColorForeground: #191c21
+*underlineColor: #d5820a
+! black/grey
+*color0: #191c21
+*color8: #3b434e
! red
-*color1: S_red
-*color9: S_orange
+*color1: #d51d0a
+*color9: #f4321e
! green
-*color2: S_green
-*color10: S_base01
+*color2: #5dd50a
+*color10: #75f41e
! yellow
-*color3: S_yellow
-*color11: S_base00
+*color3: #d5820a
+*color11: #f49d1e
! blue
-*color4: S_blue
-*color12: S_base0
+*color4: #0a5dd5
+*color12: #1e75f4
! magenta
-*color5: S_magenta
-*color13: S_violet
+*color5: #820ad5
+*color13: #9d1ef4
! cyan
-*color6: S_cyan
-*color14: S_base1
-! white
-*color7: S_base2
-*color15: S_base3
+*color6: #0ac2d5
+*color14: #1ee0f4
+! light grey/white
+*color7: #bcc2cc
+*color15: #e8ebee
! URxvt
URxvt.termName: rxvt-unicode-256color
URxvt.perl-ext-common: searchable-scrollback,confirm-paste,matcher,font-size
URxvt.depth: 32
-URxvt.background: rgba:0000/0a00/0d00/d000
+URxvt.background: rgba:0100/0800/1200/d000
URxvt.internalBorder: 1
URxvt.dynamicColors: true
URxvt.intensityStyles: false
URxvt.urgentOnBell: true
URxvt.visualBell: true
-URxvt.url-launcher: firefox
+URxvt.url-launcher: xdg-open
URxvt.matcher.button: 2
URxvt.matcher.pattern.0: [a-zA-Z\d]+:/\/[\\w-](?:\\.?[\\w-]+)*(?::\\d{1,5})?(?:/(?:[\\w\\d\\.!#$&\\-;=?~[\\]/]|%[\\da-fA-F]{2})*)?
URxvt.matcher.rend.0: Uline Bold fg6
xvkbd.Meta_R.width: 1
xvkbd.Multi_key.width: 1
xvkbd.Shift_R.width: 75
-! yeahconsole
-yeahconsole.term: urxvtc
-yeahconsole.toggleKey: Alt+grave
-yeahconsole.keySmaller: AltShift+subtract
-yeahconsole.keyBigger: AltShift+equals
-yeahconsole.keyFull: Alt+F11
-yeahconsole.scrollBar: false
-yeahconsole.cursorUnderline: true
-yeahconsole.visualBell: true
-yeahconsole.depth: 32
-yeahconsole.borderLess: true
-yeahconsole.transparent: true
-yeahconsole.shading: 80
-yeahconsole.blurRadius: 2x4
--- /dev/null
+attrs=(none bold dim italic underline blink undefined 'reverse video' invisible
+ strikethrough)
+colors=(default black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white)
+for ai in {0..5} {7..9}; do
+ [[ $ai == 0 ]] && a='' || a="$ai;"
+ echo "$ai: $attrs[(($ai+1))]"
+ for fi in {29..37}; do
+ [[ $fi == 29 ]] && f='' || f="$fi;"
+ echo -n ' '
+ for bi in {39..47}; do
+ [[ $bi == 39 ]] && b='' || b="$bi"
+ echo -ne "\e[$a$f$b""m${(r[7])colors[(($fi-28))]}\e[0m "
+ done
+ echo
+ done
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
- <description>prefer Source, Noto, DejaVu, Free; monospace Dina</description>
+ <description>set up render settings; aliases for Source, Dina</description>
<!-- rgb pixel alignment -->
<match target="font">
+ <!-- duplicate 20-hinting-slight.conf just in case -->
+ <match target="pattern">
+ <edit name="hintstyle" mode="append">
+ <const>hintslight</const>
+ </edit>
+ </match>
- <!-- preface 60-generic.conf and prefer no color.
+ <!-- preface 60-generic.conf and prefer no color.
this value is actually not that useful due to implementation detail...
<alias binding="same">
- <!-- fontconfig 2.10 broke Dina - ->
- <family>Dina</family> -->
+ <family>Dina</family>
<family>Noto Sans Mono</family>
<family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family>
<!-- vim: set et ft=xml sts=2 sw=2 ts=8 tw=0 :