get rid of solarized—it does not serve my purpose. replace with original
scheme based on symmetric variances on the color wheel. yellow is now
orange, magenta is purple.
a script has been added to display term color sequences in a nicer way
than what is commonly available.
update cursor, fade, etc. in .Xresources. also, delete yeahconsole from
Xresources while we are here.
first attempt at building a TTF from Dina BDFs. Vim and tmux appear to
use bold italic where it shouldn't which looks weird, but terminal color
codes come out fine. underscore is also misplaced, it is at the bottom
of the glyphs instead of at the baseline.
Dina and other monospace fonts are fixed upstream, so re-enable in
fontconfig. add some small tweaks while we are there.
add termux, and font.ttf link to installer.