+++ /dev/null
-# sh-compatible version of Tridactyl native binary updater
-# Python 3 is required. If it is not present, installation will fail.
-# Installation:
-# curl -fsSl 'url to this script' | sh
-# or:
-# wget -qO - 'url to this script' | sh
-# Handle errors (bash only)
-echoerr() {
- red="\033[31m"
- normal="\e[0m"
- echo -e "$red$@$normal" >&2
-trap "echoerr 'Failed to install!'" ERR >/dev/null 2>&1 #can't trap ERR in sh
-# Check requirements for native messenger
-python_path=$(which python3 | head -1) || python_path=""
-if [ ! -x "$python_path" ]; then
- echoerr "Error: Python 3 must exist in PATH."
- echoerr "Please install it and run this script again."
- exit 1
-# Set up environment
-OSTYPE="${OSTYPE:-`uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`}"
-# Decide where to put the manifest based on OS
-case "$OSTYPE" in
- darwin*) manifest_home="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts";;
- *) manifest_home="$HOME/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts";;
-# Test for curl
-if ! command -v curl; then
- # Based on busybox-compatible wget
- dl="wget -qO"
- dl="curl -sSo"
-echo "Installing script here: $data_home"
-echo "Installing manifest here: $manifest_home"
-# Download files
-mkdir -p "$manifest_home" "$data_home"
-# Use local copy for testing and/or use in git repo
-if [ "$1" == "local" ]; then
- cp -f native/tridactyl.json "$manifest_file"
- cp -f native/native_main.py "$native_file"
- $dl "$manifest_file" "$manifest_loc"
- $dl "$native_file" "$native_loc"
-# Fix file contents
-sedEscape() {
- sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g' <<_EOF_
-# Replace native executable path in manifest
-sed -i.bak "s/REPLACE_ME_WITH_SED/$(sedEscape "$native_file_final")/" "$manifest_file"
-chmod +x $native_file
-# Replace python shebang in native messenger script
-sed -i.bak "1s/.*/#!$(sedEscape /usr/bin/env) $(sedEscape "$python_path")/" "$native_file"
-mv "$native_file" "$native_file_final"
-echo "Successfully installed Tridactyl native messenger!"
-echo "Run ':native' in Firefox to check."
+++ /dev/null
--- Solarized luakit theme --
---local S_base03 = "#002b36"
-local S_base03 = "#000a0d"
-local S_base02 = "#073642"
-local S_base01 = "#586e75"
-local S_base00 = "#657b83"
-local S_base0 = "#839496"
-local S_base1 = "#93a1a1"
-local S_base2 = "#eee8d5"
-local S_base3 = "#fdf6e3"
-local S_yellow = "#b58900"
-local S_orange = "#cb4b16"
-local S_red = "#dc322f"
-local S_magenta = "#d33682"
-local S_violet = "#6c71c4"
-local S_blue = "#268bd2"
-local S_cyan = "#2aa198"
---local S_green = "#859900"
-local S_green = "#85c000"
-local theme = {}
--- Default settings
-theme.font = "10px Dina"
-theme.fg = S_base0
-theme.bg = S_base03
--- General colour pairings
-theme.ok = { fg = S_base0, bg = S_base03 }
-theme.warn = { fg = S_yellow, bg = S_base02 }
-theme.error = { fg = "#000", bg = S_red }
--- General colours
-theme.success_fg = S_green
-theme.loaded_fg = S_cyan
-theme.warning_fg = theme.warn.fg
-theme.warning_bg = theme.warn.bg
-theme.error_fg = theme.error.fg
-theme.error_bg = theme.error.bg
--- Notification colours
-theme.notif_fg = S_blue
-theme.notif_bg = S_base02
--- Menu colours
-theme.menu_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_bg = S_base03
-theme.menu_selected_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_selected_bg = S_base02
-theme.menu_title_bg = S_base03
-theme.menu_primary_title_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_secondary_title_fg = S_base01
-theme.menu_disabled_fg = S_base01
-theme.menu_disabled_bg = theme.menu_bg
--- enabled but not active, eg. userstyles that aren't applied
-theme.menu_enabled_fg = S_yellow
-theme.menu_enabled_bg = theme.menu_bg
-theme.menu_active_fg = S_green
-theme.menu_active_bg = theme.menu_bg
--- Proxy manager
-theme.proxy_active_menu_fg = S_green
-theme.proxy_active_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
-theme.proxy_inactive_menu_fg = theme.menu_fg
-theme.proxy_inactive_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
--- Statusbar specific
-theme.sbar_fg = S_base0
-theme.sbar_bg = "#110800"
--- Downloadbar specific
-theme.dbar_fg = theme.menu_fg
-theme.dbar_bg = theme.menu_bg
-theme.dbar_error_fg = S_red
--- Input bar specific
-theme.ibar_fg = S_base1
-theme.ibar_bg = S_base03
--- Tab label
-theme.tab_fg = S_base1
-theme.tab_bg = "#221100"
-theme.tab_hover_bg = theme.tab_bg
-theme.tab_ntheme = S_red
-theme.selected_fg = S_base2
-theme.selected_bg = "#aa5500"
-theme.selected_ntheme = theme.selected_fg
-theme.loading_fg = S_yellow
-theme.loading_bg = S_base02 --unused
-theme.selected_private_tab_bg = S_violet
-theme.private_tab_bg = S_magenta
--- Trusted/untrusted ssl colours
-theme.trust_fg = S_green
-theme.notrust_fg = S_red
-return theme
--- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80