if [[ ! -v SSH_AUTH_SOCK && ( -v commands[okc-ssh-agent] ||
( -v commands[ssh-agent] && ! -v commands[gpg] ) ) ]] {
- t=${_sev_tmp:-${TMPDIR:-${TEMP:-${TMP:-/tmp}}}}
- e=$t/${okc}ssh-agent-exports
+ e=$_sev_tmp/${okc}ssh-agent-exports
typeset sock=
typeset -i pid=
if [[ -f $e ]] {
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$sock
export SSH_AGENT_PID=$pid
- e='TMPDIR=$t ${okc}ssh-agent'
# TODO: ensure ssh-agent path looks legit to avoid unsafe eval?
# XXX: doesn't appear to be any other way to handle redirection.
# because eval needs to write to current scope environment
# subshells can't be used to capture output and print.
+ c='TMPDIR=$_sev_tmp ${okc}ssh-agent'
if [[ -o interactive ]] {
- eval $(eval $=e)
+ eval $(eval $=c)
print -nP '%f'
} else {
- eval $(eval $=e) >/dev/null 2>&1
+ eval $(eval $=c) >/dev/null 2>&1
echo -n $SSH_AUTH_SOCK$'\0'$SSH_AGENT_PID >!$e
+ unset c
- unset okc t e sock pid
+ unset okc e sock pid
} elif [[ ! -v SSH_AUTH_SOCK && -v commands[gpg] ]] {
# since gpg should have been started above, just export and notify
if [[ -o interactive ]] {