! generic settings
*font: xft:Dina:size=8
-*depth: 32
! Solarized colors, http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
!#define S_base03 #002b36
*underlineColor: S_yellow
-! urxvt
-urxvt.termName: rxvt-256color
+! URxvt
+URxvt.termName: rxvt-256color
-urxvt.cursorBlink: on
-urxvt.cursorUnderline: on
-urxvt.scrollstyle: plain
-urxvt.scrollBar_right: true
-urxvt.urgentOnBell: true
-urxvt.visualBell: true
+URxvt.cursorBlink: on
+URxvt.cursorUnderline: on
+URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
+URxvt.scrollBar_right: true
+URxvt.urgentOnBell: true
+URxvt.visualBell: true
-urxvt.background: rgba:0000/0a00/0d00/d000
-urxvt.dynamicColors: true
-urxvt.intensityStyles: false
+URxvt.depth: 32
+URxvt.background: rgba:0000/0a00/0d00/d000
+URxvt.dynamicColors: true
+URxvt.intensityStyles: false
-urxvt.print-pipe: cat > "$HOME/urxvt-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')"
+URxvt.print-pipe: cat > "$HOME/urxvt-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')"
+! bg terminal
+URxvtRoot.termName: rxvt-256color
+URxvtRoot.scrollBar: false
+URxvtRoot.visualBell: true
+URxvtRoot.depth: 32
+URxvtRoot.borderLess: true
+URxvtRoot.transparent: true
+URxvtRoot.shading: 80
+! xvkbd
xvkbd.Alt_R.width: 1
xvkbd.Meta_R.width: 1
xvkbd.Multi_key.width: 1
xmodmap "$usermodmap"
-# session-independent
-xset r rate 290 26
-xset m 1/1 0
+# root image, redshift
redon &
+# Xorg settings
+xset r rate 290 26 &
+xset m 1/1 0 &
+# root terminal
+#urxvt -name URxvtRoot -override-redirect -geometry x26+0-0 -e glances &
+#xdotool search --limit 1 --sync --classname URxvtRoot windowsize 100% y
+# tray icons
+#"$HOME/src/phwmon/phwmon.py" --mem --mem_percent --net --io --bg \#0000 &
+volumeicon &
+# daemons
dunst &
xautolock -time 10 -locker "$HOME/bin/l" &
xbanish &
eval `ssh-agent`
-# run terminal daemon
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/urxvtd ]; then
for i in 1 2; do
# try to start client twice, once before checking for daemon and
unset i
+# try to wait for session to start
+(sleep 0.1 && tint2) &
+(sleep 0.1 && [ -x "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" ] && "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" "0x0`sysctl -n hw.acpi.acline`") &
+(sleep 1.5 && [ -x /usr/local/bin/conky ] && conky -c "$HOME/.conkyrc.d/dock") &
# load any global scripts
if [ -d /usr/local/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
for f in /usr/local/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh; do
unset f
-tint2 &
-# sleep for tint to start
-sleep 3
-# try to wait for session to start
-(sleep 0.2 && [ -x "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" ] && "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" "0x0`sysctl -n hw.acpi.acline`") &
-(sleep 1 && "$HOME/.fehbg") &
-(sleep 1.5 && [ -x /usr/local/bin/conky ] && conky -c "$HOME/.conkyrc.d/dock") &
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
exec $session "$@"
+# cleanup
+ssh-agent -k
function precmd {
print -Pn "\e]0;${SSH_CLIENT+$USER@$HOST}%#zsh%(1j,:%j,):%~\a"
+ if ((SECONDS - _exectime >= 5)) {
+ # bell after long exec
+ print "\a"
+ }
function preexec {
printf "\033]0;%s\a" "$1"
+ _exectime=$SECONDS
# prompt
alias activate="source bin/activate"
# ports
-alias pbuild="sudo pkg install --automatic \`make build-depends-list | sed 's/\/usr\/ports\// /' | tr -d '\n'\`"
-alias prun="sudo pkg install --automatic \`make run-depends-list | sed 's/\/usr\/ports\// /' | tr -d '\n'\`"
+function portpkg {
+ case "$1" {
+ build|run) ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: \`portpkg <build|run>' in a port directory"
+ return 1;;
+ }
+ sudo pkg install -AU $(make ${1}-depends-list | sed 's_/usr/ports/_ _' | tr -d '\n')
# keys
bindkey "^[[7~" beginning-of-line #Home
shadow-offset-y = -7;
shadow-opacity = 1;
shadow-exclude = [
+ # gtk3 fix
- # fullscreen
- "x = 0 && y = 0 && override_redirect = true"
+ # i3 tabbed windows
+ # i3 titlebar
+ "class_g = 'i3-frame'",
+ # fullscreen/dmenu
+ "x = 0 && y = 0 && override_redirect = true",
+ # root terminal
+ "class_i = 'URxvtRoot'"
shadow-ignore-shaped = true;
-xinerama-shadow-crop = true;
# Opacity
menu-opacity = 0.9;
inactive-dim = 0.075;
blur-background = true;
blur-kern = "5,5,0.367879,0.535261,0.606531,0.535261,0.367879,0.535261,0.778801,0.882497,0.778801,0.535261,0.606531,0.882497,0.882497,0.606531,0.535261,0.778801,0.882497,0.778801,0.535261,0.367879,0.535261,0.606531,0.535261,0.367879,"
+opacity-rule = [
+ # i3 tabbed windows
+blur-background-exclude = [
+ # gtk3 fix
+ # i3 titlebar
+ "class_g = 'i3-frame'",
+ # ignore docks
+ "window_type = 'dock'",
+ "window_type = 'desktop'"
# Fading
fading = true;
# move and resize [floating] windows
mode "translate" {
- bindsym $left resize shrink width 20 px
- bindsym $down resize grow height 20 px
- bindsym $up resize shrink height 20 px
- bindsym $right resize grow width 20 px
+ bindsym $left resize shrink width 20 px
+ bindsym $down resize grow height 20 px
+ bindsym $up resize shrink height 20 px
+ bindsym $right resize grow width 20 px
bindsym $left2 resize shrink width 20 px
bindsym $down2 resize grow height 20 px
bindsym $up2 resize shrink height 20 px
bindsym $right2 resize grow width 20 px
- bindsym Shift+$left move left 20 px
- bindsym Shift+$down move down 20 px
- bindsym Shift+$up move up 20 px
- bindsym Shift+$right move right 20 px
+ bindsym Shift+$left move left 20 px
+ bindsym Shift+$down move down 20 px
+ bindsym Shift+$up move up 20 px
+ bindsym Shift+$right move right 20 px
bindsym Shift+$left2 move left 20 px
bindsym Shift+$down2 move down 20 px
bindsym Shift+$up2 move up 20 px
bindsym Shift+$right2 move right 20 px
# smaller movements
- bindsym Control+$left resize shrink width 1 px or 1 ppt
- bindsym Control+$down resize grow height 1 px or 1 ppt
- bindsym Control+$up resize shrink height 1 px or 1 ppt
- bindsym Control+$right resize grow width 1 px or 1 ppt
+ bindsym Control+$left resize shrink width 1 px or 1 ppt
+ bindsym Control+$down resize grow height 1 px or 1 ppt
+ bindsym Control+$up resize shrink height 1 px or 1 ppt
+ bindsym Control+$right resize grow width 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Control+$left2 resize shrink width 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Control+$down2 resize grow height 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Control+$up2 resize shrink height 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Control+$right2 resize grow width 1 px or 1 ppt
- bindsym Control+Shift+$left move left 1 px
- bindsym Control+Shift+$down move down 1 px
- bindsym Control+Shift+$up move up 1 px
- bindsym Control+Shift+$right move right 1 px
+ bindsym Control+Shift+$left move left 1 px
+ bindsym Control+Shift+$down move down 1 px
+ bindsym Control+Shift+$up move up 1 px
+ bindsym Control+Shift+$right move right 1 px
bindsym Control+Shift+$left2 move left 1 px
bindsym Control+Shift+$down2 move down 1 px
bindsym Control+Shift+$up2 move up 1 px
bindsym $mod+z focus child
# back to normal: Enter, Escape, or original key
- bindsym return mode default
- bindsym escape mode default
+ bindsym Return mode default
+ bindsym Escape mode default
bindsym $mod+r mode default
bindsym $mod+r mode "translate"
# borders
hide_edge_borders smart
-#new_window normal 1
new_window pixel 1
gaps inner 6
smart_gaps on
+for_window [class="Gsimplecal"] floating enable
# misc
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
set $focused #cc6600 #aa5500 #eee8d5 #4466ff #cc6600
set $inactive #884400 #221100 #93a1a1 #264bd2 #884400
set $urgent #ff4444 #dc322f #000000 #4466ff #ff4444
-set $blue #4466ff #264bd2 #fdf6e3 #264db2 #4466ff
-bar {
- position top
- tray_output primary
- status_command i3status
- separator_symbol "|"
- colors {
- background #110800
- statusline #93a1a1
- separator #268bd2
- # class border backgr. text
- focused_workspace $focused
- active_workspace $inactive
- inactive_workspace $inactive
- urgent_workspace $urgent
- binding_mode $blue
- }
+set $blue #4466ff #268bd2 #fdf6e3 #264db2 #4466ff
+#bar {
+# position top
+# tray_output primary
+# status_command i3status
+# separator_symbol "|"
+# colors {
+# background #110800
+# statusline #93a1a1
+# separator #268bd2
+# # class border backgr. text
+# focused_workspace $focused
+# active_workspace $inactive
+# inactive_workspace $inactive
+# urgent_workspace $urgent
+# binding_mode $blue
+# }
# colors
# class border backgr. text indicator child_border
order += "cpu_usage"
order += "load"
order += "battery 0"
-#order += "tztime local"
+order += "tztime local"
wireless wlan0 {
format_up = "WLAN0 %essid %ip"
low_threshold = 20
-#tztime local {
-# format = "%a/%b %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"
+tztime local {
+ format = "%a/%b %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"
--- /dev/null
+general {
+ output_format = "xmobar"
+ interval = 2
+ separator = ""
+ color_good = "#85c000"
+ color_degraded = "#b58900"
+ color_bad = "#dc322f"
+order += "cpu_usage"
+order += "load"
+order += "wireless wlan0"
+order += "ethernet em0"
+cpu_usage {
+ format = "%usage "
+ max_threshold = 90
+ degraded_threshold = 50
+ separator = false
+ separator_block_width = 0
+load {
+ format = "%1min %5min %15min\n"
+ max_threshold = "1.5"
+wireless wlan0 {
+ format_up = "<span font='6'>%essid %ip</span>"
+ format_down = "<span font='6'>wlan down</span>"
+ethernet em0 {
+ format_up = " <span font='6'>%ip</span>"
+ format_down = ""
settings.window.search_engines.default = settings.window.search_engines.ddg
+-- change tab text
+require("lousy.widget.tab").label_format = '<span foreground="{index_fg}" font-weight="bold">{index}</span> {title}'
-- Restore last saved session
local w = (not luakit.nounique) and (session and session.restore())
theme.loaded_fg = S_cyan
theme.warning_fg = theme.warn.fg
theme.warning_bg = theme.warn.bg
-theme.error_fg = theme.error.fg
-theme.error_bg = theme.error.bg
+theme.error_fg = theme.error.fg
+theme.error_bg = theme.error.bg
-- Notification colours
theme.notif_fg = S_blue
theme.notif_bg = S_base02
-- Menu colours
-theme.menu_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_bg = S_base03
-theme.menu_selected_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_selected_bg = S_base02
-theme.menu_title_bg = S_base03
-theme.menu_primary_title_fg = S_base0
-theme.menu_secondary_title_fg = S_base01
+theme.menu_fg = S_base0
+theme.menu_bg = S_base03
+theme.menu_selected_fg = S_base0
+theme.menu_selected_bg = S_base02
+theme.menu_title_bg = S_base03
+theme.menu_primary_title_fg = S_base0
+theme.menu_secondary_title_fg = S_base01
theme.menu_disabled_fg = S_base01
-theme.menu_disabled_bg = S_base03
-theme.menu_enabled_fg = S_yellow --?
-theme.menu_enabled_bg = S_green --?
-theme.menu_active_fg = S_green
-theme.menu_active_bg = theme.menu_bg
+theme.menu_disabled_bg = theme.menu_bg
+-- enabled but not active, eg. userstyles that aren't applied
+theme.menu_enabled_fg = S_yellow
+theme.menu_enabled_bg = theme.menu_bg
+theme.menu_active_fg = S_green
+theme.menu_active_bg = theme.menu_bg
-- Proxy manager
-theme.proxy_active_menu_fg = S_green
-theme.proxy_active_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
-theme.proxy_inactive_menu_fg = theme.menu_fg
-theme.proxy_inactive_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
+theme.proxy_active_menu_fg = S_green
+theme.proxy_active_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
+theme.proxy_inactive_menu_fg = theme.menu_fg
+theme.proxy_inactive_menu_bg = theme.menu_bg
-- Statusbar specific
-theme.sbar_fg = S_base0
-theme.sbar_bg = "#110800"
+theme.sbar_fg = S_base0
+theme.sbar_bg = "#110800"
-- Downloadbar specific
-theme.dbar_fg = theme.menu_fg
-theme.dbar_bg = theme.menu_bg
-theme.dbar_error_fg = S_red
+theme.dbar_fg = theme.menu_fg
+theme.dbar_bg = theme.menu_bg
+theme.dbar_error_fg = S_red
-- Input bar specific
-theme.ibar_fg = S_base1
-theme.ibar_bg = S_base03
+theme.ibar_fg = S_base1
+theme.ibar_bg = S_base03
-- Tab label
-theme.tab_fg = S_base0
-theme.tab_bg = S_base03
-theme.tab_hover_bg = S_base02
-theme.tab_ntheme = S_red
-theme.selected_fg = S_base1
-theme.selected_bg = S_base02
-theme.selected_ntheme = S_magenta
-theme.loading_fg = S_green
-theme.loading_bg = S_base02
+theme.tab_fg = S_base1
+theme.tab_bg = "#884400"
+theme.tab_hover_bg = "#4466ff"
+theme.tab_ntheme = S_red --?
+theme.selected_fg = S_base2
+theme.selected_bg = "#aa5500"
+theme.selected_ntheme = S_magenta --?
+theme.loading_fg = S_green
+theme.loading_bg = S_base02
theme.selected_private_tab_bg = S_violet
-theme.private_tab_bg = S_magenta
+theme.private_tab_bg = S_magenta
-- Trusted/untrusted ssl colours
-theme.trust_fg = S_green
-theme.notrust_fg = S_base01
+theme.trust_fg = S_green
+theme.notrust_fg = S_red
return theme
-#---- Generated by tint2conf 758d ----
+#---- Generated by tint2conf e587 ----
# See https://gitlab.com/o9000/tint2/wikis/Configure for
# full documentation of the configuration options.
# Panel
-panel_items = T:C
-panel_size = 100% 19
+panel_items = T:SECB
+panel_size = 100% 28
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 0 1 0
panel_background_id = 3
# Clock
-time1_format = %a/%b %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S
-time2_format =
+time1_format = %H:%M:%S
+time2_format = %a/%b %d/%m/%Y
time1_font = Dina 8
time1_timezone =
time2_timezone =
+time2_font = Dina 6
clock_font_color = #93a1a1 100
-clock_padding = 0 0
+clock_padding = 2 0
clock_background_id = 0
clock_tooltip =
clock_tooltip_timezone =
-clock_lclick_command =
+clock_lclick_command = gsimplecal
clock_rclick_command =
clock_mclick_command =
clock_uwheel_command =
# Battery
-battery_tooltip = 0
-battery_low_status = 0
-battery_low_cmd =
-battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
-battery_padding = 0 0
+battery_tooltip = 1
+battery_low_status = 5
+battery_low_cmd = notify-send -u critical "Battery low"
+bat1_font = Dina 8
+bat2_font = Dina 6
+battery_font_color = #93a1a1 100
+battery_padding = 2 0
battery_background_id = 0
battery_hide = 101
battery_lclick_command =
# Separator 1
separator = new
separator_background_id = 0
-separator_color = #000000 0
-separator_style = empty
-separator_size = 15
-separator_padding = 0 0
+separator_color = #268db2 100
+separator_style = line
+separator_size = 1
+separator_padding = 5 0
+# Executor 1
+execp = new
+execp_command = ~/bin/i3status-tint2 cpu
+execp_interval = 0
+execp_has_icon = 0
+execp_cache_icon = 1
+execp_continuous = 2
+execp_markup = 1
+execp_tooltip =
+execp_lclick_command =
+execp_rclick_command =
+execp_mclick_command =
+execp_uwheel_command =
+execp_dwheel_command =
+execp_font = Dina 8
+execp_font_color = #93a1a1 100
+execp_padding = 2 0
+execp_background_id = 0
+execp_centered = 1
+execp_icon_w = 0
+execp_icon_h = 0
# Tooltip