autocmd! vimStartup
" packages
- packadd! matchit
- packadd! editorconfig " this is now built to [n]vim in but optional
- packadd! vim-commentary " nvim has built in commenting now
+ packadd! matchit " included with [n]vim but disabled by default
+ packadd! editorconfig " now included with [n]vim but disabled by default
+ packadd! vim-commentary " nvim has this built in now, vim still needs it
" options
set hlsearch
if ! &diff
let g:suda_smart_edit = 1
+" re-enable backup, swap, undo for suda buffers that we can read
+function s:SudaSettingsSave()
+ let l:f = expand('<afile>')
+ if stridx(l:f, 'suda://') == 0
+ let g:sev_suda_file = expand('<afile>')
+ let g:sev_suda_backup = &backup
+ let g:sev_suda_swapfile = &swapfile
+ let g:sev_suda_undofile = &undofile
+ endif
+function s:SudaSettingsRestore()
+ if exists('g:sev_suda_file') && filereadable(g:sev_suda_file)
+ if exists('g:sev_suda_backup') && g:sev_suda_backup
+ " XXX: suda.vim uses setlocal for this, even though it's global...
+ setlocal backup
+ endif
+ if exists('g:sev_suda_swapfile') && g:sev_suda_swapfile
+ setlocal swapfile
+ endif
+ if exists('g:sev_suda_undofile') && g:sev_suda_undofile
+ setlocal undofile
+ endif
+ endif
+autocmd BufReadPre * call s:SudaSettingsSave()
+autocmd BufReadPost suda://* call s:SudaSettingsRestore()
""" styling
""" editor
" always save undo file for all file buffers
-autocmd BufRead * set undofile
+autocmd BufReadPre * setlocal undofile
" explicitly use modeline, even on systems where it's disabled by system vimrc
autocmd BufRead * set modeline