# add as many generic paths as possible to keep the order we want
# NOTE: tied arrays path and fpath already exist, but are not unique (-U);
# we utilize the fact that unique arrays keep the first occurrence
- # and remove any further occurences to check for elements from the
+ # and remove any further occurrences to check for elements from the
# old PATH that we did not anticipate and shift them to the front,
# since they are probably important to the system
typeset -gU path fpath
# with something like Environment Modules. this code does not account
# for this type of usage and will add all valid paths. any undesired
# paths can be removed using .zshenv.local.
+ # NOTE: fun non-conformant systems like Android may have fun dirs that
+ # contain binaries intended solely for the base system, and their use
+ # by other users/subsystems may cause problems. for example,
+ # /system/bin/bc on Android may be a different version of or
+ # completely different codebase compared to the Termux-installed bc.
+ # modern Termux does not add these such systems to PATH by default,
+ # but older versions/configurations might.
# XXX: PREFIX not validated, non-POSIX but Termux uses it, maybe others
# XXX: XDG specifies ~/.local/bin as the only user-writable dir for
# executables, but we specify more; technically this is against spec
# emulate Arch Linux flatpak-bindir.sh for use on other systems
local -i i len=$#path
- path=("$path[@]" "$syspath[@]")
- # remove bad paths
+ path+=("$syspath[@]")
+ # remove bad paths... after having combined the arrays to remove duplicates
for (( i = 1; i <= $#path; i++ )) {
if [[ ! -d $path[$i] ]] {
# NOTE: do not set _sev_setup_path, it is set in zprofile
-### home dir setup & exports
+### home dir setup & additional exports
# XXX: traditionally, zshenv should just contain exports, and not touch the
-# filesystem. however, some system profile scripts that are sourced in the
-# system zprofile may attempt to do things that rely on some of these
-# vars. for example, `flatpak-bindir.sh` in the Arch Linux flatpak package
-# references $XDG_DATA_HOME with no fallback. since we do special handling
-# for these vars before we export them, we're forced to do it all here
-# instead of zprofile.
+# filesystem. however, our TMPDIR and XDG vars rely on mutable user paths
+# that may not exist, and as such need to be set up before the rest of the
+# system can use them. this is important as some environments include code
+# in the global zprofile, or source scripts of other shells in the global
+# zprofile, that may rely on our desired dir structure and vars pointing
+# to it. for example, `flatpak-bindir.sh` in the Arch Linux flatpak
+# package references $XDG_DATA_HOME with no fallback. since we do special
+# handling for these vars before we export them, we're forced to do it all
+# here instead of at the top of the zprofile.
## xdg local dir
# NOTE: need this for tmp, so confirm it exists.
-# XXX: perms are not specified for XDG dirs except runtime, but I think 760
-# makes the most sense. shouldn't break anything since no one else should
-# be poking around in our dir.
-[[ -e ~/.local ]] || mkdir -m760 ~/.local
+# XXX: perms are not specified for XDG dirs except runtime. 760 makes the most
+# sense, but we need to be a bit more permissive for zsu.
+[[ -e ~/.local ]] && chmod 755 ~/.local || mkdir -pm766 ~/.local
## tmp
# NOTE: specs say that POSIX tmp and XDG runtime directories should exist
# though it is not expressly spec compliant. this may also cause problems
# with disowned applications that still try to use the directories after
# the toplevel shell has already logged out and the dirs removed, but the
-# chances of that are slim.
+# chances of that are slim. this also needs to be adjusted for usermode
+# Xorg, as it requires $PREFIX/tmp/.X11-unix on most installs.
if [[ ! -v _sev_tmp ]] {
# create personal TMPDIR under system tmp
- # NOTE: under proot with uid remapping, we can reuse old tmp, without
- # worrying about permission issues; intended for proot under termux.
- # XXX: _sev_proot_old_user only works if /tmp is shared!
- t=${TMPDIR:-${TEMPDIR:-${TEMP:-${TMP:-${${TMPPREFIX%/zsh}:-/tmp}}}}}/.home-${_sev_proot_old_username:-$LOGNAME}
- [[ -e $t ]] || mkdir -m700 $t 2>/dev/null
- if [[ ! -d $t ]] {
+ # NOTE: under proot with uid remapping and shared /tmp, we can reuse old
+ # dir, without worrying about permission issues; intended for termux.
+ _t=${TMPDIR:-${TEMPDIR:-${TEMP:-${TMP:-${${TMPPREFIX%/zsh}:-/tmp}}}}}/.home-${_sev_proot_real_user:-$LOGNAME}
+ [[ -e $_t ]] || mkdir -m700 $_t 2>/dev/null
+ if [[ ! -d $_t ]] {
# fallback TMPDIR to bare local directory or existing softlink
[[ -o interactive ]] &&
- print -P "%F{orange}*** Can't create tmp dir $t, using $_sev_tmp%f"
+ print -P "%F{orange}*** Can't create tmp dir $_t, using $_sev_tmp%f"
[[ -h $_sev_tmp && ! -d _sev_tmp ]] && unlink $_sev_tmp 2>/dev/null
[[ ! -e $_sev_tmp ]] && mkdir -m700 $_sev_tmp 2>/dev/null
if [[ ! -d $_sev_tmp ]] {
} elif [[ -e $_sev_tmp && ! -h $_sev_tmp ]] {
# non-softlink node is on our local dir
[[ -o interactive ]] &&
- print -P "%F{orange}*** $_sev_tmp exists, can't link to tmp dir $t, ignoring it%f"
- _sev_tmp=$t
+ print -P "%F{orange}*** $_sev_tmp exists, can't link to tmp dir $_t, ignoring it%f"
+ _sev_tmp=$_t
} else {
- if [[ -h $_sev_tmp ]] {
- [[ -o interactive && $_sev_tmp:P != $t:P ]] &&
+ if [[ ! -v $_sev_tmp_keep_link && -h $_sev_tmp && $_sev_tmp:P != $_t:P ]] {
+ [[ -o interactive ]] &&
print -P "%F{orange}*** $_sev_tmp links to ${_sev_tmp:P} and not ${t:P}, unlinking it%f"
# NOTE: ln -f doesn't seem to work reliably with softlink
# directories, so explicitly remove the target if it exists
# TODO: handle cleanup of old dir if it doesn't match?
unlink $_sev_tmp 2>/dev/null
- # link local dir to tmp dir
- ln -s $t $_sev_tmp 2>/dev/null
+ if [[ ! -e $_sev_tmp ]] {
+ # link local dir to tmp dir
+ ln -s $_t $_sev_tmp 2>/dev/null
+ }
# ensure dir is clean
_sev_zcleanup tmp
# finally create our subdir for this session
- t=$_sev_tmp/.session.$$
- if ! mkdir -m700 $t 2>/dev/null; then
+ _t=$_sev_tmp/.session.$$
+ if ! mkdir -m700 $_t 2>/dev/null; then
[[ -o interactive ]] &&
- print -P "%F{red}!!! Can't create session tmp subdir $t, using $_sev_tmp%f"
- t=$_sev_tmp
+ print -P "%F{red}!!! Can't create session tmp subdir $_t, using $_sev_tmp%f"
+ _t=$_sev_tmp
- export _sev_tmp TMPDIR=$t TEMPDIR=$t TEMP=$t TMP=$t TMPPREFIX=$t/zsh
- unset t
+ export _sev_tmp TMPDIR=$_t TEMPDIR=$_t TEMP=$_t TMP=$_t TMPPREFIX=$_t/zsh
+ unset _t
## xdg
## perl local lib
-[[ ! -v PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT && -v commands[perl] &&
- -d $XDG_DATA_HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 ]] &&
- eval $(perl -I$XDG_DATA_HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 \
- -Mlocal::lib=$XDG_DATA_HOME/perl5 2>/dev/null)
+if [[ ! -v PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT && -v commands[perl] ]] {
+ _p5=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/perl5
+ [[ -d $_p5 ]] || mkdir -p $_p5
+ if [[ -f $_p5/lib/perl5/local/lib.pm ]] {
+ eval $(perl -I$_p5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib=$_p5 2>/dev/null)
+ } else {
+ # emulate local::lib if not installed
+ path=($_p5/bin "${path[@]}")
+ export \
+ PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base '$_p5'" \
+ PERL5LIB=$_p5/lib/perl5 \
+ }
+ unset _p5
## go
if [[ -v commands[go] ]] {
[[ ! -v GOPATH ]] && export GOPATH=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/go:~/go
[[ ! -v GOBIN ]] && export GOBIN=~/.local/bin
+### plugins
+autoload -Uz load-plugins
+load-plugins zshenv
### load zshenv site-specific
autoload -Uz load-site-dotfile
load-site-dotfile zshenv
### source .zprofile early for non-login shells that should be
if [[ ! -v _sev_first_display && ( -v DISPLAY || -v WAYLAND_DISPLAY ) ]] {
# most graphical login/session managers will spawn the user's shell as a
- # parent of all child processes for that session. however, if the parent shell
- # isn't a login shell for some reason, our .zprofile won't be run, and the
- # environment won't be configured for child processes.
+ # parent of all child processes for that session. however, if the parent
+ # shell isn't a login shell for some reason, our .zprofile won't be run,
+ # and the environment won't be configured for child processes.
# XXX: .zprofile will be sourced by every new child shell if zsh is not
# used to start the graphical session and the _sev_first_display var