typeset -gU path fpath
# add as many generic paths as possible to keep the order we want
# NOTE: /usr/{local,pkg,games} are unix/bsdisms
# XXX: PREFIX not validated, non-posix but Termux uses it, maybe others
# XXX: XDG specifies ~/.local/bin as the only user-writable dir for
# executables, but we specify more; technically this is against spec
typeset -gU path fpath
# add as many generic paths as possible to keep the order we want
# NOTE: /usr/{local,pkg,games} are unix/bsdisms
# XXX: PREFIX not validated, non-posix but Termux uses it, maybe others
# XXX: XDG specifies ~/.local/bin as the only user-writable dir for
# executables, but we specify more; technically this is against spec