## gpg forwarding
if [[ -d $_sev_gpg_forward_dir && ( -z $1 || $1 == 'gpg-forward' ) ]] {
# clean up forward dirs if its session is dead or we ask for it
- find $_sev_gpg_forward_dir -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 |
+ find $_sev_gpg_forward_dir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d |
while {read -r x} {
# NOTE: the only way we can get here is if we have not been
# forwarded before, if the user asks for it, or during
# reset GNUPGHOME if we removed our own dir
- if [[ $GNUPGHOME =~ '/.ssh_forward/\d+/*$' && ! -e $GNUPGHOME ]] {
- [[ -o GLOB_ASSIGN ]]; y=$?
- setopt GLOB_ASSIGN
- (( y != 0 )) && unsetopt GLOB_ASSIGN
- }
+ if [[ $GNUPGHOME =~ '/.ssh_forward/\d+/*$' && ! -e $GNUPGHOME ]]
## tmp
# NOTE: XDG dirs that use our tmp are not unset here, they are in zlogout
if [[ -d $_sev_tmp && ( -z $1 || $1 == 'tmp' ) ]] {
# clean up tmp dirs if its session is dead or we ask for it
- find $_sev_tmp -name '.session.*' -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 |
+ find $_sev_tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '.session.*' -type d |
while {read -r x} {
# NOTE: same rationale as above
p=${$(basename $x)#.session.}
typeset -U path fpath
# add as many generic paths as possible to keep the order we want
# NOTE: /usr/{local,pkg,games} are unix/bsdisms
+ # XXX: PREFIX not validated, non-posix but Termux uses it
- path=({~,~/.local,,/usr,/opt,/usr/local,/usr/pkg}/sbin
- {~,~/.local,,/usr,/opt,/usr/local,/usr/pkg}/bin
- /usr/X11R{7,6}/bin /usr/games)
+ path=({~,~/.local,{$PREFIX,}{,/opt,/usr{,/local,pkg}}}/sbin
+ {~,~/.local,{$PREFIX,}{,/opt,/usr{,/local,pkg}}}/bin
+ /usr/{X11R{7,6}/bin,games})
path=("$path[@]" "$syspath[@]")
# remove nonexistent and duplicate paths
mkdir -pm700 $h
# XXX: is it safe to link scdaemon socket? can its name be changed?
- for x (S.scdaemon gpg.conf gpg-agent.conf sshcontrol
- pubring.kbx trustdb.gpg private-keys-v1.d crls.d) {
+ for x (S.scdaemon gpg.conf gpg-agent.conf sshcontrol random_seed
+ pubring.kbx{,~} trustdb.gpg private-keys-v1.d crls.d) {
ln -s ${GNUPGHOME:-~/.gnupg}/$x $h
export GNUPGHOME=$h
if {$p} {
print -nP '%F{blue}>>>%f GPG: '
if [[ -v _sev_setup_gpg_forward ]] {
- a=agent
- print -nP '%F{yellow}Forwarded%f '
- } else { a=Agent }
- print -nP '%F{green}'
+ print -nP '%F{yellow}Forwarded agent '
+ } else {
+ print -nP '%F{green}Agent '
+ }
gpg-connect-agent /bye >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] {
- $p && print -P '%F{red}$a communication error'
+ $p && print -P '%F{red}communication error'
} else {
- if [[ ${+GPG_TTY} -eq 0 && -o interactive ]]
- export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
- if [[ ( -v DISPLAY || -v WAYLAND_DISPLAY ) &&
- ${+DISPLAY} + ${+WAYLAND_DISPLAY} == 0))
- # XXX: don't know if gpg-agent supports comments after directives
- # XXX: path could have #
- sed -Ei 's#^([[:space:]]*pinentry-program[[:space:]]).*$#\1'${commands[pinentry]:-/dev/null}'#' \
- ${GNUPGHOME:-~/.gnupg}/gpg-agent.conf
- # XXX: could probably check for changes before doing this to save perf
- gpg-connect-agent RELOADAGENT UPDATESTARTUPTTY /bye >/dev/null 2>&1
- $p && gpg-connect-agent /subst /serverpid \
- "/echo $a pid \${get serverpid} on $GPG_TTY" /bye
+ if [[ ! -v _sev_setup_gpg_forward ]] {
+ if [[ ${+GPG_TTY} -eq 0 && -o interactive ]]
+ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+ if [[ ( -v DISPLAY || -v WAYLAND_DISPLAY ) &&
+ ${+DISPLAY} + ${+WAYLAND_DISPLAY} == 0))
+ # XXX: don't know if gpg-agent supports comments after directives
+ # XXX: path could have #
+ sed -Ei 's#^([[:space:]]*pinentry-program[[:space:]]).*$#\1'${commands[pinentry]:-/dev/null}'#' \
+ ${GNUPGHOME:-~/.gnupg}/gpg-agent.conf
+ # XXX: could check for changes before doing this to save perf
+ gpg-connect-agent RELOADAGENT UPDATESTARTUPTTY /bye >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if {$p} {
+ gpg-connect-agent /subst /serverpid \
+ "/echo pid \${get serverpid} on $GPG_TTY" /bye 2>/dev/null
+ print -nP '%f'
+ }
+ } elif {$p} {
+ print -P '%f'
+ }
export _sev_setup_gpgagent=
- $p && print -nP '%f'
- unset p a
+ unset p
### ssh agent