alias p=\$PAGER
alias e=\$EDITOR
alias se=sudoedit
+alias syncwatch='sync & watch -d grep -Fe Dirty: -e Writeback: /proc/meminfo'
+if [[ -v commands[grep] ]] {
+ [[ -v commands[fgrep] ]] || alias fgrep='grep -F'
+ [[ -v commands[egrep] ]] || alias fgrep='grep -E'
+for x (cat cmp diff grep test update) {
+ [[ -v commands[zutils-z$x] ]] || alias z$x=zutils-z$x
# be paranoid
alias cp='cp -ip'
alias mv='mv -i'
[[ -v commands[trash-put] ]] && alias t=trash-put
# ps
-source ~/.local/bin/.check-busybox
-if [[ -v commands[pstree] ]] && ! check-busybox pstree; then
+if [[ -v commands[pstree] && $commands[pstree]:A:t != busybox ]] {
# use pstree, but NOT busybox pstree because it kinda sucks
- ps="pstree -wg3"
-elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ '^freebsd' ]]; then
- ps="ps -aSdfxwwouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \
- -o%cpu,%mem,tty,stat,start=START -oetime,command"
-elif check-busybox ps; then
+ ps='pstree -wg3'
+} elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ '^freebsd' ]] {
+ ps='ps -aSdfxwwouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \
+ -o%cpu,%mem,tty,stat,start=START -oetime,command'
+} elif [[ $commands[ps]:A:t == busybox ]] {
# busybox compatible
ps="ps -eouser='USR ' -ogroup='GRP ' \
-opid=' PID' -onice=' NI' -ovsz=' MEM' \
+} else {
# XXX: untested, posix
# TODO: support gnu ps
- ps="ps -eouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \
- -opcpu=CPU -ovsz=MEM -otty,stat,etime,comm"
-unfunction check-busybox
+ ps='ps -eouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \
+ -opcpu=CPU -ovsz=MEM -otty,stat,etime,comm'
if [[ "$(basename "$PAGER")" = "less" ]] {
ps="$ps | less -S"
} else {
## py venv
alias va='source bin/activate'
alias vd=deactivate
+alias vu="python3 -mvenv --upgrade"
+alias svu="sudo python3 -mvenv --upgrade"
## git
alias g=git
alias gd='git diff'
alias cd..=up
## dotfiles
-alias dfu=' function {
- local d=${$(echo -E - ~/.zshenv):P:h:h}
- local -x GIT_DIR=$d/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=$d
+alias dfu='function {
+ pushd -q ${$(echo -E - ~/.zshenv):P:h:h}
git pull &&
git submodule init &&
git submodule sync &&
git submodule update
+ popd -q
## nocorrect
# zsh doesnt really handle sudo very well, so ignore it
### hooks
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+typeset -gi _sev_exectime
function sev_preexec {
# change terminal title to show command
print -n "\e]2;$(print -P '%#')${SSH_CLIENT+$USER@$HOST:}$1\e\\"