-#fix permissions from git (TODO: should probably move this to git hook)
-chmod go= base/.zshenv base/.Xresources
if [ 0 -eq 1 ]; then
alias mkdir="echo mkdir"
alias ln="echo ln"
alias unlink="echo unlink"
+#fix permissions from git (TODO: should probably move this to git hook)
+chmod go= base/.zshenv base/.Xresources
+#create preferred folder structure
+cd "$HOME"
+mkdir -p bin etc share .urxvt/ext > /dev/null 2>&1
+mkdir -m 700 tmp tmp/vim > /dev/null 2>&1
+cd -
+#accomodate linuxisms
+fex='-perm -ugo=x'
+# TODO: should probably do this better
+case "`uname`" in
+ *BSD*) lnargs=-sFhvw
+ d1='-depth 1'
+ bsd=yes;;
+ *) lnargs=-sfnv
+ d1='-mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1'
+ #android busybox find doesn't have -execute
+ #and its sh doesn't set OSTYPE :DD
+ if [ -z "$ANDROID_ROOT" ]; then
+ fex=-executable
+ fi;;
l() {
# TODO: use install?
- [ -L "$1" -o \! -e "$1" ] && ln -sFhvw "$x" "$1"
+ [ -L "$1" -o \! -e "$1" ] && ln $lnargs "${2:-$x}" "$1"
-find "$PWD/base" -depth 1 | while read -r x; do
+find "$PWD/base" $d1 | while read -r x; do
l "$HOME/`basename "$x"`"
-mkdir "$HOME/bin"
-find "$PWD/bin" -depth 1 | while read -r x; do
- l "$HOME/bin/`basename "$x"`"
+find bin share $d1 | while read -r x; do
+ l "$HOME/$x" "$PWD/$x"
-find "$PWD/xdg" -depth 1 | while read -r x; do
- l "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/`basename "$x"`"
+find "$PWD/xdg" $d1 | while read -r x; do
+ l "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/etc}/`basename "$x"`"
-mkdir -p "$HOME/.urxvt/ext"
-find "$PWD/urxvt-ext" -type f -perm -ugo=x -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 | while read -r x; do
+find "$PWD/urxvt-ext" -type f $fex -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 | while read -r x; do
l "$HOME/.urxvt/ext/`basename $x`"
-touch "$HOME/.hushlogin"
-#FreeBSD tries `_secure_path' on `.login_conf' before reaading the database,
-#so it needs to be compiled and unlinked for it to actually take effect.
-cd "$HOME"
-rm .login_conf.db
-cap_mkdb .login_conf
+cd ~
+if [ -n "$bsd" ]; then
+ touch .hushlogin
+ #FreeBSD tries `_secure_path' on `.login_conf' before reading the database,
+ #so it needs to be compiled and unlinked for it to actually take effect.
+ rm .login_conf.db
+ cap_mkdb .login_conf
unlink .login_conf
cd -