xmodmap "$usermodmap"
-# root image, redshift
+# redshift, root image
redon &
# Xorg settings
xset r rate 290 26 &
xset m 1/1 0 &
+xset s off
+xset dpms 0 0 600
+find -L "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/share}/fonts" -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read -r x; do
+ xset +fp $x/
+xset fp rehash
# root terminal
-#urxvt -name URxvtRoot -override-redirect -geometry x26+0-0 -e glances &
-#xdotool search --limit 1 --sync --classname URxvtRoot windowsize 100% y
+urxvt -name TermBg1 -override-redirect -geometry x5+0--1 \
+ -e tail -F /var/log/messages &
+xdotool search --limit 1 --sync --classname TermBg1 windowsize --usehints 100% 6
# tray icons
#"$HOME/src/phwmon/phwmon.py" --mem --mem_percent --net --io --bg \#0000 &
# daemons
dunst &
+mpc-notify -d &
xautolock -time 10 -locker "$HOME/bin/l" &
xbanish &
eval `ssh-agent`
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/urxvtd ]; then
for i in 1 2; do
- # try to start client twice, once before checking for daemon and
- # another after trying to start it
+ # try to start client twice, once before checking for daemon
+ # and another after trying to start it
urxvtc -e exit
if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
# daemon not started, attempt to start once
# try to wait for session to start
-(sleep 0.1 && tint2) &
-(sleep 0.1 && [ -x "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" ] && "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" "0x0`sysctl -n hw.acpi.acline`") &
+#(sleep 0.1 && tint2) &
+#(sleep 0.1 && yabar -c "$HOME/etc/yabar/yabar.conf") &
+(sleep 0.1 && [ -x "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" ] && \
+ "$HOME/bin/acpi_ac" "0x0`sysctl -n hw.acpi.acline`") &
(sleep 1.5 && [ -x /usr/local/bin/conky ] && conky -c "$HOME/.conkyrc.d/dock") &
# load any global scripts
unset f
+# start session
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
exec $session "$@"
# cleanup
+#TODO: trap this
ssh-agent -k