if [[ -n $keymap ]] {
source $keymap
} else {
- echo "Failed to source keymap file $keymap" >&2
+ echo -E "Failed to source keymap file $keymap" >&2
unfunction find_keymap; unset keymap
alias cd..=up
## dotfiles
-alias dfu='d=${$(echo ~/.zshenv):P:h:h};GIT_DIR=$d/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=$d git pull'
+alias dfu='d=${$(echo -E - ~/.zshenv):P:h:h};GIT_DIR=$d/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=$d {
+ git pull &&
+ git submodules init &&
+ git submodules sync &&
+ git submodules update
+>>>>>>> Stashed changes
### hooks
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
function vol {
if [[ -z "$1" ]] {
for x in $(mixerctl -a | grep 'outputs\.master'); do
- echo $x
+ echo -E - $x