### options setopts=( ## 16.2.1 Changing Directories AUTO_CD CDABLE_VARS ## 16.2.2 Completion COMPLETE_IN_WORD GLOB_COMPLETE REC_EXACT ## 16.2.3 Expansion and Globbing EXTENDED_GLOB GLOB_DOTS GLOB_STAR_SHORT MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST MARK_DIRS NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT ## 16.2.4 History # NOTE: NO_HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY to allow saving histfile if updating another # user's histfile. this is for compatibility with zsu. EXTENDED_HISTORY HIST_FCNTL_LOCK HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS HIST_IGNORE_DUPS HIST_IGNORE_SPACE HIST_LEX_WORDS HIST_NO_STORE HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS NO_HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS SHARE_HISTORY ## 16.2.6 Input/Output NO_CLOBBER CLOBBER_EMPTY CORRECT_ALL INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS HASH_EXECUTABLES_ONLY ## 16.2.7 Job Control AUTO_CONTINUE LONG_LIST_JOBS ## 16.2.12 Zle NO_BEEP ) setopt $setopts unset setopts ### exports ## common export EDITOR=${$(whence -p nvim vim vi micro nano emacs)[(f)1]} export PAGER=${$(whence -p less micro nano more)[(f)1]:s/micro/& -readonly true -multiopen tab/:s/nano/& --view} ## grep # XXX: deprecated in GNU export GREP_OPTIONS=--color=auto ## histfile export HISTFILE=~/.histfile export HISTSIZE=10000 export SAVEHIST=$HISTSIZE ## python export PYTHONSTARTUP=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/pythonrc ## vim export VIMINIT='let$MYVIMRC=($XDG_CONFIG_HOME??($HOME."/.config"))."/vim/.vimrc"|execute"source"$MYVIMRC' ### imports autoload -Uz zmv autoload -Uz zmathfunc && zmathfunc ## vcs zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git #zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' check-for-changes true #too slow zstyle ':vcs_info:git*:dotfiles' check-for-changes true zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' check-for-staged-changes true autoload -Uz vcs_info ## compinit zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description '[arg] %d' zstyle ':completion:*' expand suffix zstyle ':completion:*' format '# %d' zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*' ignore-parents parent zstyle ':completion:*' insert-unambiguous false zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%B%i%b' zstyle ':completion:*' list-suffixes true zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}' 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]} r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]} l:|=* r:|=*' zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 zstyle ':completion:*' original false zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt '%B%l%b' zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true autoload -Uz compinit cache=${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-~/.cache}/zsh [[ -d $cache ]] || mkdir -p $cache compinit -d $cache/.zcompdump unset cache ### keys ## set up zkbd-style key array if [[ ! -v _sev_force_zkbd && ( -v terminfo || -v termcap ) ]] { # use application (keypad transmit) mode if the terminal supports it # NOTE: we have to do this because termcap/terminfo keys are usually # defined in application mode. terminals that do not define these # capabilities are assumed to always be in application mode. if [[ ( -v terminfo[smkx] && -v terminfo[rmkx] ) || ( -v termcap[ks] && -v terminfo[ke] ) ]] { autoload -Uz add-zle-hook-widget function _enter-application-mode { [[ -v terminfo[smkx] ]] && echoti smkx || echotc ks } add-zle-hook-widget line-init _enter-application-mode function _exit-application-mode { [[ -v terminfo[rmkx] ]] && echoti rmkx || echotc ke } add-zle-hook-widget line-finish _exit-application-mode trap _exit-application-mode EXIT } # pull keys from terminfo/termcap # TODO: Menu and more Shift- modifiers typeset -gA key typeset -lA newkey if [[ -v terminfo ]] { src=terminfo newkey=(F1 kf1 F2 kf2 F3 kf3 F4 kf4 F5 kf5 F6 kf6 F7 kf7 F8 kf8 F9 kf9 F10 kf10 F11 kf11 F12 kf12 Backspace kbs Shift-Tab kcbt Insert kich1 Home khome PageUp kpp Delete kdch1 End kend PageDown knp Up kcuu1 Down kcud1 Left kcub1 Right kcuf1 ) } elif [[ -v termcap ]] { src=termcap newkey=(F1 k1 F2 k2 F3 k3 F4 k4 F5 k5 F6 k6 F7 k7 F8 k8 F9 k9 F10 k\; F11 F1 F12 F2 Backspace kb Shift-Tab kB Insert kI Home kh PageUp kP Delete kD End @7 PageDown kN Up ku Down kd Left kl Right kr ) } for k v (${(kv)newkey}) { key[$k]=${${(P)src}[$v]} } unset k v src newkey } else { # use zkbd if termcap/terminfo unavailable function find_keymap { for f in ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zkbd/$TERM{-${DISPLAY:-$VENDOR-$OSTYPE},} [[ -f $f ]] && keymap=$f && break } find_keymap if [[ -z $keymap ]] { if (read -q "?Can't read terminfo. Add new zkbd keymap? [y/N]") { echo { autoload -Uz zkbd && zkbd } always { TRY_BLOCK_ERROR=0 unfunction zkbd } find_keymap } echo } if [[ -n $keymap ]] { source $keymap } else { echo -E "Failed to source keymap file $keymap" >&2 } unfunction find_keymap; unset keymap } ## load history search autoload -Uz up-line-or-beginning-search down-line-or-beginning-search zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search ## bind keys in both viins and vicmd modes # NOTE: cursor keys are bound to normal/raw/nontransmit mode strings by # default, and keys like Home and End are not bound at all, so we rebind # everything to cover all scenarios typeset -A a a=( #key viins vicmd Backspace 'backward-delete-char vi-backward-char' Insert 'overwrite-mode vi-insert' Home 'beginning-of-line' PageUp 'up-history -' Delete 'delete-char' End 'end-of-line' PageDown 'down-history -' Up 'up-line-or-beginning-search vi-up-line-or-history' Down 'down-line-or-beginning-search vi-down-line-or-history' Left 'backward-char' Right 'forward-char' ) for k v (${(kv)a}) { k=$key[$k] if [[ -z $k ]] { continue } v=($=v) bindkey -- $k $v[1] if [[ $v[2] == - ]] { # copy viins to vicmd verbatim bindkey -a -- $k $v[1] } elif (( $#v != 1 )) { # set vicmd to any other value bindkey -a -- $k $v[2] } else { # copy viins to vicmd and prepend vi- to it bindkey -a -- $k vi-$v[1] } } unset a k v ## fzf # bash-style reverse-search-history (i.e. reverse-i-search) if [[ -v commands[fzf] ]] { function _history-incremental-pattern-search-fzf { fc -AI # XXX: this shit is cursed and sometimes doesn't work # TODO: remove doesn't work over newlines, fzf replaces them with \n, # and sed of course hates newlines and would need to be massaged # TODO: interactive history refresh... can't get zsh to load histfile: # +reload(HISTFILE='"$h HISTSIZE=$HISTSIZE SAVEHIST=$SAVEHIST \$0 +Z -dfimc 'setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY;fc -R \$HISTFILE;$c' &1)" \ local c='fc -lt%F -1 0' local h="'${HISTFILE//\'/\'\\\'\'}'" local l=(${(f)"$($=c | fzf \ --scheme=history -e -n 1,3.. \ +s \ -m --bind 'ctrl-d:execute-silent(sed -i -f <( sed -Ee '\''s/[$*.[\^/]/\\&/g;s~.*~/^\\(: [0-9]\\+:[0-9]\\+;\\)\\?&$/d~'\'' {+f3..} ) '$h')+abort' \ --preview-window=hidden --height=20% \ --with-shell "${0:a} -dfc" \ ${BUFFER:+-q $BUFFER})"}) # XXX: this sucks, I hate this. no other way to flush internal history? HISTFILE= HISTSIZE=0 fc -p $HISTFILE $HISTSIZE $SAVEHIST l=$(for x ("${l[@]}") { echo ${${=x}:3}; }) BUFFER="$l" zle reset-prompt } zle -N _history-incremental-pattern-search-fzf bindkey '^R' _history-incremental-pattern-search-fzf } else { bindkey '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward } ### aliases ## builtins alias rehash='_sev_setpath; rehash' ## utils alias h='fc -l -25' alias j='jobs -l' alias l='ls -AF' if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ '^(free|net)bsd' ]] { alias ll='ls -lAFho' } else { alias ll='ls -lAFh' } alias p=\$PAGER alias e=\$EDITOR alias se=sudoedit alias syncwatch='sync & watch -d grep -Fe Dirty: -e Writeback: /proc/meminfo' if [[ -v commands[grep] ]] { [[ -v commands[fgrep] ]] || alias fgrep='grep -F' [[ -v commands[egrep] ]] || alias fgrep='grep -E' } for x (cat cmp diff grep test update) { [[ -v commands[zutils-z$x] ]] || alias z$x=zutils-z$x } # be paranoid alias cp='cp -ip' alias mv='mv -i' # zsh zmv with noglob wildcards alias zm='noglob zmv -WiM' alias zc='noglob zmv -WiC' alias zl='noglob zmv -WiL' alias sm='noglob zmv -Wip"sudo mv"' alias sc='noglob zmv -Wip"sudo cp"' alias sl='noglob zmv -Wip"sudo ln"' if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ '^freebsd' ]] { # don't confirm if only a few files are deleted alias rm='rm -I' } else { # TODO: similar behavior for non-freebsd, or impliment in zsh alias rm='rm -i' } [[ -v commands[trash-put] ]] && alias t=trash-put # ps if [[ -v commands[pstree] && $commands[pstree]:A:t != busybox ]] { # use pstree, but NOT busybox pstree because it kinda sucks ps='pstree -wg3' } elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ '^freebsd' ]] { ps='ps -aSdfxwwouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \ -o%cpu,%mem,tty,stat,start=START -oetime,command' } elif [[ $commands[ps]:A:t == busybox ]] { # busybox compatible ps="ps -eouser='USR ' -ogroup='GRP ' \ -opid=' PID' -onice=' NI' -ovsz=' MEM' \ -otty,stat,etime,comm" } else { # XXX: untested, posix # TODO: support gnu ps ps='ps -eouser=USR -ogroup=GRP -opid,nice=NI \ -opcpu=CPU -ovsz=MEM -otty,stat,etime,comm' } if [[ "$(basename "$PAGER")" = "less" ]] { ps="$ps | less -S" } else { ps="$ps | \"${PAGER:-more}\"" } alias pa=$ps alias spa="sudo $ps" unset ps ## py venv alias va='source bin/activate' alias vd=deactivate alias vu="python3 -mvenv --upgrade" alias svu="sudo python3 -mvenv --upgrade" ## git alias g=git alias gd='git diff' alias gdh='git diff HEAD' alias gdp='git diff HEAD\^' alias gds='git diff --staged' alias ga='git add' alias ga.='git add .' alias gai='git add -i' alias gap='git add -p' alias gc='git commit' alias gca='git commit --amend' alias gp='git push' alias gu='git pull' alias gl='git log' alias gt='git tree' # from gitconfig alias gsh='git show' alias gshn='git show --name-status' alias gst='git status' alias gsts='git status --short' alias gs='git stash' alias gsp='git stash pop' alias gsd='git stash drop' alias gss='git stash show -p' alias grc='git rebase --continue' ## cd/zoxide function up { \cd $(printf '../%.0s' {1..${1:-1}}) } alias u=up if [[ -v commands[zoxide] ]] { # https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/issues/513 eval "${$(zoxide init zsh):s#_files -/#_cd#}" alias cd=z alias z-='z -' } alias cd..=up ## dotfiles alias dfu='function { pushd -q ${$(echo -E - ~/.zshenv):P:h:h} git pull && git submodule init && git submodule sync && git submodule update popd -q }' ## nocorrect # zsh doesnt really handle sudo very well, so ignore it alias sudo='nocorrect sudo' ## docker compose alias dcp='sudo docker compose pull' alias dcu='sudo docker compose up -d' alias dcr='sudo docker compose restart' alias dcl='sudo docker compose logs -f' ### hooks autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook typeset -gi _sev_exectime function sev_preexec { # change terminal title to show command print -n "\e]2;$(print -P '%#')${SSH_CLIENT+$USER@$HOST:}$1\e\\" # save last exec time for bell # XXX: does not run for blank cmdline _sev_exectime=$SECONDS # update gpg forward, to always have unique filename and avoid clashes if [[ -v _GNUPG_SOCK_DEST_EXT ]] { export _GNUPG_SOCK_DEST_EXT=$(date +%s).$RANDOM export _GNUPG_SOCK_DEST=$_GNUPG_SOCK_DEST_BASE.$_GNUPG_SOCK_DEST_EXT } } add-zsh-hook preexec sev_preexec function sev_precmd { # change terminal title # TODO: update and send BEL when job status changes print -Pn "\e]2;%(1j,%j,)%#${SSH_CLIENT+$USER@$HOST:}%~\e\\" # bell if exec takes 5s if (( SECONDS - _sev_exectime >= 5 )) print "\a" # we could update vcs_info here, but let prompt take care of it # if it doesn't use vcs, it can be ignored safely } add-zsh-hook precmd sev_precmd function sev_chpwd { # echo dir on cwd change ls -AF } add-zsh-hook chpwd sev_chpwd ### prompt autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit prompt arrows ### plugins load-plugins zshrc ### load site-specific load-site-dotfile zshrc