]> git.sev.monster Git - dotfiles.git/blame - etc/vim/.vimrc
vim: update suda, reorganize vimrc a bit
[dotfiles.git] / etc / vim / .vimrc
39d7f74f 1""" paths
2"" config dir in xdg config
afd175d7 3let x = ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME??($HOME.'/.config')).'/vim'
8d4a98e1 4execute 'set runtimepath='.x.','.&runtimepath.','.x.'/after'
5execute 'set packpath='.x.','.&packpath.','.x.'/after'
1b8a4102 6
39d7f74f 7"" state files in xdg state
afd175d7 8let x = ($XDG_STATE_HOME??($HOME.'/.local/state')).'/vim'
4850f4c2 9if !isdirectory(x)
afd175d7 10 call mkdir(x, 'p', 0700)
afd175d7 12
39d7f74f 13" backup
14" NOTE: keep backup files in vim state dir for both vim and neovim
afd175d7 15let y = x.'/backup'
16if !isdirectory(y)
17 call mkdir(y, 'p', 0700)
8d4a98e1 18endif
afd175d7 19execute 'set backupdir='.y.'//'
58a8dbcc 20set backup backupcopy=yes
afd175d7 21
58a8dbcc 22" NOTE: neovim uses ShaDa (SHAred DAta) format for viminfo and swap, and uses a
39d7f74f 23" different version of undo file, so these types of files when created by
24" vim cannot be used with neovim, and the 'viminfofile', 'directory', and
3567d091 25" 'undodir' directories cannot be shared. since neovim has a nice default
26" for these directories and files, customizing them is not necessary.
58a8dbcc 27if !has('nvim')
39d7f74f 28 " viminfo
58a8dbcc 29 execute 'set viminfofile='.x.'/.viminfo'
39d7f74f 31 " swap
58a8dbcc 32 let y = x.'/swap'
33 if !isdirectory(y)
34 call mkdir(y, 'p', 0700)
35 endif
36 execute 'set directory='.y.'//'
39d7f74f 38 " undo
58a8dbcc 39 let y = x.'/undo'
40 if !isdirectory(y)
41 call mkdir(y, 'p', 0700)
42 endif
43 execute 'set undodir='.y.'//'
8d4a98e1 44endif
58a8dbcc 45
4850f4c2 46unlet x
afd175d7 47unlet y
1b8a4102 48
0bffb4be 49
39d7f74f 50""" vim-only defaults
51if !has('nvim')
52 " neovim defaults are already set
53 source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
b3b23234 54
39d7f74f 55 " disable jumping to last edit, we use vim-lastplace instead
56 autocmd! vimStartup
58a8dbcc 57
39d7f74f 58 " packages
01aaaf66 59 packadd! matchit " included with [n]vim but disabled by default
60 packadd! editorconfig " now included with [n]vim but disabled by default
61 packadd! vim-commentary " nvim has this built in now, vim still needs it
39d7f74f 62
63 " options
64 set hlsearch
65 autocmd BufRead * set autoindent
0bffb4be 68
39d7f74f 69""" styling
70" nice default theme
71colorscheme murphy
73" always use color column with less intrusive colors
58a8dbcc 74autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * set colorcolumn=80
39d7f74f 75" always use cursor line for better visibility
58a8dbcc 76autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * set cursorline
58a8dbcc 77
39d7f74f 78" unique highlighting for leading spaces and in-line spaces
79" NOTE: this leaves tabs and other special whitespace untouched intentionally
1ac43be8 80autocmd VimEnter,ColorScheme * highlight SpaceInner ctermfg=Grey guifg=#686868
81autocmd VimEnter,ColorScheme * highlight link SpaceOuter NonText
82autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * match SpaceInner / /
83autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * 2match SpaceOuter /\(^ \+\)\|\( \+$\)/
39d7f74f 84
85" always show statusline
86set laststatus=2
88" truncate > lastline; lastline is nvim default, sensible.vim may also set it
89set display=truncate
91" more context while scrolling
92set scrolloff=5
93set sidescrolloff=8
95" show number column on all buffers
96autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * set number
97" use relative numbers in normal modes when focused, but not if number is off
98function! s:SetRelativeNumber(enable)
99 if !getwinvar(winnr(), '&number')
100 return
101 endif
102 if a:enable
103 set relativenumber
104 else
105 set norelativenumber
106 endif
108autocmd InsertEnter,FocusLost,WinLeave * call s:SetRelativeNumber(0)
109autocmd VimEnter,WinNew,
110 \InsertLeave,FocusGained,WinEnter * call s:SetRelativeNumber(1)
112" always show custom listchars
58a8dbcc 113autocmd VimEnter,WinNew * set list
1b8a4102 114set listchars=tab:├─,extends:»,precedes:«,space:·,trail:∙,nbsp:■
58a8dbcc 115
0bffb4be 116
39d7f74f 117""" editor
118" always save undo file for all file buffers
01aaaf66 119autocmd BufReadPre * setlocal undofile
ec9f2140 121" explicitly use modeline, even on systems where it's disabled by system vimrc
6ebc1fca 122autocmd BufRead * set modeline
ec9f2140 123" should be default disabled but just in case
124set nomodelineexpr
3567d091 126"" enable editorconfig parsing for new buffers
127let g:EditorConfig_enable_for_new_buf = 1
39d7f74f 129"" indent
130" always use shiftwidth instead of tabsize
131set smarttab
132" filetype preferences
58a8dbcc 133autocmd FileType python set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
134autocmd FileType markdown set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
135autocmd FileType javascript set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
136autocmd FileType json set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
137autocmd FileType html set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
58a8dbcc 138
39d7f74f 139"" syntax
fbdf3d0e 140autocmd Syntax php syn clear phpHereDoc phpNowDoc
b3b23234 141
39d7f74f 142"" mappings
143" use more accessible escapes, as C-n and C-o are shadowed by some terminals
b3b23234 144if has('nvim')
145 tnoremap <C-\>n <C-\><C-N>
146 tnoremap <C-\>o <C-\><C-O>
39d7f74f 149" move windows any time
b3b23234 150if has('nvim')
151 " terminal
152 tnoremap <A-h> <C-\><C-N><C-w>h
153 tnoremap <A-j> <C-\><C-N><C-w>j
154 tnoremap <A-k> <C-\><C-N><C-w>k
155 tnoremap <A-l> <C-\><C-N><C-w>l
157" insert
158inoremap <A-h> <C-\><C-N><C-w>h
159inoremap <A-j> <C-\><C-N><C-w>j
160inoremap <A-k> <C-\><C-N><C-w>k
161inoremap <A-l> <C-\><C-N><C-w>l
162" normal
163nnoremap <A-h> <C-w>h
164nnoremap <A-j> <C-w>j
165nnoremap <A-k> <C-w>k
166nnoremap <A-l> <C-w>l
39d7f74f 167
168"" CTRL-L to clear highlighting and also update diff
169" NOTE: sensible.vim and nvim already do this, so copy sensible.vim
170" functionality if it hasn't been set or we aren't nvim. taken from
171" sensible.vim by Tim Pope, under Vim license; see :help license
172" https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible/blob/0ce2d843d6f588bb0c8c7eec6449171615dc56d9/plugin/sensible.vim#L57
173if !has('nvim') && maparg('<C-L>', 'n') ==# ''
174 nnoremap <silent> <C-L> :nohlsearch<C-R>=has('diff')?'<Bar>diffupdate':''<CR><CR><C-L>
8aac59d6 176
178""" package config
179"" suda
180" https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-suda/issues/32#issuecomment-829608925
181if ! &diff
182 let g:suda_smart_edit = 1
184" re-enable backup, swap, undo for suda buffers that we can read
185" https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-suda/issues/25
186function s:SudaSettingsSave()
6cd24ad1 187 let b:sev_suda_swapfile = &swapfile
188 let b:sev_suda_undofile = &undofile
b758c100 189 " fix https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-suda/issues/87
190 setlocal noswapfile
8aac59d6 191endfunction
192function s:SudaSettingsRestore()
193 if filereadable(expand('<afile>')[7:])
6cd24ad1 194 if exists('b:sev_suda_swapfile') && b:sev_suda_swapfile
b758c100 195 try
196 setlocal swapfile
197 catch
198 " ignore swapfile errors, they should have been shown already
199 echohl ErrorMsg
200 for line in split(v:exception, '\n')
201 echomsg printf('[suda] %s', line)
202 endfor
203 echohl None
204 endtry
8aac59d6 205 endif
6cd24ad1 206 if exists('b:sev_suda_undofile') && b:sev_suda_undofile
8aac59d6 207 setlocal undofile
208 endif
209 endif
b758c100 211function s:SudaProcessUndo(cmd)
3dc35911 212 let p = expand('<afile>')[7:]
213 if has('win32') || !&undofile || !filereadable(p)
214 return
215 endif
216 let p = resolve(p)
217 " XXX: comments are from :help backupdir to mark implementation details
218 let x = &undodir
219 " For backwards compatibility with Vim version 3.0 a '>' at the start
220 " of the option is removed.
221 if stridx(x, '>') == 0
222 let x = x[1:]
223 endif
224 " To include a comma in a directory name precede it with a backslash.
225 for u in split(x, '\v\\@1<!,')
226 " Spaces after the comma are ignored, other spaces are considered part
227 " of the directory name.
228 let u = trim(u, ' ', 1)
229 " To have a space at the start of a directory name, precede it with a
230 " backslash.
231 if stridx(u, '\ ') == 0
232 let u = u[1:]
233 endif
234 " Empty means that no backup file will be created.
235 if empty(u)
236 continue
237 elseif u == '.'
238 " A directory "." means to put the backup file in the same
239 " directory as the edited file.
240 let d = fnamemodify(p, ':p:h')
241 elseif stridx(u, './') == 0
242 " A directory starting with "./" (or ".\" for MS-Windows) means to
243 " put the backup file relative to where the edited file is.
244 let d = printf('%s%s', fnamemodify(p, ':p:h'), expand(u))
245 else
246 let d = u
247 endif
248 " NOTE: env vars are not expanded, and backslashes are not handled...
249 if u[-2:-1] == '//'
250 let f = fnamemodify(p, ':p:gs?/?%?')
251 else
252 let f = printf('.%s.un~', fnamemodify(p, ':t'))
253 endif
254 " A directory name may end in an '/'.
255 let d = trim(d, '/', 2)
256 if !isdirectory(d)
257 continue
258 endif
259 try
b758c100 260 execute printf('%s %s/%s', a:cmd, fnameescape(d), fnameescape(f))
3dc35911 261 break
262 catch
263 continue
264 endtry
265 endfor
8aac59d6 267autocmd BufReadPre suda://* call s:SudaSettingsSave()
268autocmd BufReadPost suda://* call s:SudaSettingsRestore()
b758c100 269autocmd BufReadPost suda://* call s:SudaProcessUndo('silent! rundo')
270autocmd BufWritePost suda://* call s:SudaProcessUndo('wundo!')
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