# https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/wiki/Environment-Variables # Commented variables are set to defaults # Set the directory where the data should be stored (could be relative) #DATA_DIR=./data/ DATA_DIR=/var/lib/update-kuma/ # Host to bind to, could be an ip. #UPTIME_KUMA_HOST=:: # Port to listen to #UPTIME_KUMA_PORT=3001 # Path to SSL key #UPTIME_KUMA_SSL_KEY= # Path to SSL certificate #UPTIME_KUMA_SSL_CERT= # Cloudflare Tunnel Token (Available in 1.14.0) #UPTIME_KUMA_CLOUDFLARED_TOKEN= # By default, Uptime Kuma is not allowed in iframe if the domain name is not # the same as the parent. It protects your Uptime Kuma to be a phishing # website. If you don't need this protection, you can set it to true #UPTIME_KUMA_DISABLE_FRAME_SAMEORIGIN=false # Add your self-signed ca certs. (e.g. /cert/path/CAcert.pem) #NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS= # Ignore all TLS errors #NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 # Set it to --insecure-http-parser, if you encountered error "Invalid header # value char" when your website using WAF #NODE_OPTIONS=